Doors opened an hour before Kickoff
Reserve your tables, call +65 6391 3333 / +65 8717 3030
Watch exciting W. Cup matches 'live' from Qatar at the Wellness Playground in the heart of the city.
Expect fantastic food & beverage deals all-night and enjoy foozball, beer pong, virtual football on Playstation, and more before kick-off.
Fun with Football Pool
Loved playing pool and football? Here’s your chance to play both at the giant Football Pool inflatable at 30 Maxwell Road.
Visit AIBI Maxwell anytime, follow our social media, upload a photo of yourself enjoying Football Pool with friends and you could win $5 off your first bucket of beer at our weekend live screenings.
Instant Win Games
Before kick-off for each match, you can take part in Guess the Score - first correct entry picked after full-time will win 2 bottles of beer or soju on the house.
Every bucket of beer purchased allows you a chance to Score for More. Every goal scored will earn you discounts on your next purchase.
Predict and Win World Cup Viewing Packages
From 19 Nov to 3 Dec, predict the eight quarterfinalists at www.aibimaxwell.com/ff-last8 for a chance to win a viewing package. Winners earn themselves a premium table with free bucket of beer or $40 off a bottle of liquor to watch the crucial knock-out rounds.
That’s not all, from 4 Dec to 16 Dec, predict the two finalists of 2022 Qatar at www.aibimaxwell.com/ff-final and the first correct entry picked wins a World Cup viewing package with a premium table, a bucket of beer and a bottle of liquor on the house.
Entertainment and more on crucial match-days
To get you in the ole-ole mood, there will be live entertainment on certain days, plus there will be a eFootball competition on certain match-days before kick-off. Beat four players on Playstation and you could earn yourself a cool prize..
Entry to Football Fiesta is free and subject to venue capacity, so be there early.